The Idea Through A Case Study: Stylish Yacht Interior In Damor Fjera 980

The Frey Makeover For Your Yacht Interior
What do you get when you add the ‘little’ things and ‘tiny’ details? You get something that is just yours. You get another dimension. You feel the ‘WOW’ factor. See the difference for yourselves…

Interior Yacht Curtains For A Whole New Dimension Look
It doesn’t have to be something big to achieve a whole new dimension. It can be the ‘little’ things like adding new curtains, bringing out the right details such as anchor buttons or matching the curtains with the right accessories.

Nautical Tablecloths With The ‘Simply Gorgeous’ Factor
Details such as adding nautical blue and white tablecloths (because stripes are always in :)) for the yacht exterior refit, matching them with the right tones and elegant accessories such as Frey Luxury Pillows are surely a delightful little surprise.

Personalised Accessories That Bring Magical Auroa To Your Yacht
Of course, Frey Luxury Pillows play their part in this project – they add style, elegance and personality. We can do the same for your yacht interior!

We wanted this yacht interior not to be ‘just’ a yacht interior.
We envisaged it from a fresh, new and different perspective.
Vanja, owner of Frey